Seminar 32 — Cutting-Edge Japanese Technologies SHASE Annual Award for New Constructions in 2018

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We introduce two buildings in Tokyo having earned the SHASE Technical Award for achieving energy efficiency and comfort. One is an office building featuring “radiant ceiling air-conditioning with slight air flow” and “medium-temperature chilled/warm water for air-handling units”. Energy saving of 63% was realized, which also earned it the ASHRAE Technology Awards 2017 First Place. Another is a high-rise hospital, also featuring “radiant ceiling air-conditioning for all patients’ rooms”, plus an “odor sensor-based ventilation-control system” that successfully reduced the volume of intake outdoor fresh air. Energy saving of 32% was achieved with the LEED-HC v2009 Gold.
1. Practice of an Environmental Facility Plan for a New Construction Building
Taro Hongo, Member, NIKKEN SEKKEI LTD., Tokyo, Japan
2. Creation of Urban High-rise Hospitals through Medical and Architectural Collaboration
Koichi Machida, Shimizu Corporation, Tokyo, Japan

Citation: ASHRAE Seminar Recordings, 2019 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA

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