NFPA (Fire) 705
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Product Details
- Published:
- 11/29/2022
- ISBN(s):
- 9781455929894
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 13
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus
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Consult the 2018 edition of NFPA 705 to promote maximum fire resistance of textile and films.
NFPA 705: Recommended Practice for a Field Flame Test for Textiles and Films provides a field means of determining the tendency of textiles and films to sustain burning subsequent to the application of a relatively small open flame.
New in the 2018 edition:
Revised scope language in this edition helps clarify the use of NFPA 265: Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating Room Fire Growth Contribution of Textile or Expanded Vinyl Wall Coverings on Full Height Panels and Walls.
Along with current definitions and updated referenced publications, the 2018 edition provides guidance for the complete test procedure and summary, including:
•Open flame
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Test according to the 2013 NFPA 705 to promote maximum fire resistance of textile and films.
NFPA 705: Recommended Practice for a Field Flame Test for Textiles and Films provides a field means of determining the tendency of textiles and films to sustain burning subsequent to the application of a relatively small open flame.
The 2013 edition includes new requirements clarifying the scope of the document so enforcement agencies know it should not be used to determine flame retardancy and that the field test does not apply to wall coverings.
Order today to give testing laboratories, manufacturers, and AHJs the guidance they need to asses the flammability of textiles and films.
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NFPA 705: Recommended Practice for a Field Flame Test for Textiles and Films provides enforcement officials with a field means of determining the tendency of textiles and films to sustain burning subsequent to the application of a relatively small open flame.
The 2009 edition of this recommended practice replaces the reference to NFPA 225 with ASTM E84, NFPA 286, and NFPA 265 in anticipation of the proposed withdrawal of NFPA 225.