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NFPA®’s Electrical Inspection Manual helps you stay organized and in compliance with the 2011 NEC®!
The professional’s choice for passing electrical inspections, the new Electrical Inspection Manual is up-to-date with the 2011 edition of the National Electrical Code®. Written by certified electrical inspectors and endorsed by the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI), it’s the key to covering all the bases with regard to electrical safety and Code compliance.
Avoid costly violations, delays, and red tags.
Plan and organize your projects with full coverage of the items inspectors are required to check for all types of installations. Illustrated chapters explain essential tasks, define terms, outline key questions, and alert you to special considerations. Make sure you don?t miss a single detail!
Detailed chapters are linked to 70+ checklists — with blank printable forms on a BONUS CD-ROM.
Verify your installations with comprehensive checklists for all types of residential, commercial, and industrial jobs. To help you work through the checklists, parallel numbering links each checklist item with the corresponding explanation in text. Added figures and a new table in this edition reflect recent Code changes. Checklists cover:
- Wiring methods and devices, boxes and conduit boxes, cabinets and cutout boxes, switches and receptacles
- Services, feeders, and branch circuits
- Grounding and bonding
- Rough and finish inspections for dwelling units and mobile/manufactured home sites
- Commercial and industrial inspections, including motors; air-conditioning and refrigeratingequipment; transformers; capacitors; elevators, escalators; electric vehicle-charging systems; and more
- Hazardous locations
- Special occupancies including health care facilities
- Swimming pools and related installations
- Emergency and standby systems and fire pumps
- Fire alarm, remote-control, and signaling circuits
- Electric signs and outline lighting
Stay organized and ready to comply with the 2011 NEC.
NFPA’s Electrical Inspection Manual is ideal for electrical designers, installers, inspectors, project managers, and AHJs. Includes a CD-ROM with more than 70 blank checklists ready for immediate use. Order your copy direct from the NEC source.
Product Details
- Published:
- 01/01/2011
- Number of Pages:
- 472