ASHRAE Transactions – 2023 Winter Conference, Atlanta, GA, Vol. 129, Pt 1
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Published since 1895, ASHRAE Transactions now comprises the Technical Papers and Conference Papers presented at ASHRAE’s Winter Conferences. Technical Papers undergo one or more double-blind reviews by three or more reviewers and are published with discussion questions and answers. Conference Papers are shorter in length than Technical Papers, undergo a less stringent review and can be prepared closer to the conferences. Unlike Technical Papers, abstracts of Conference Papers are submitted first for review. Upon acceptance, papers are due three months after abstract acceptance and undergo a single-blind review. The Technical Papers and Conference Papers encompass the wide range of technologies and applications of interest to researchers and practitioners whose work shapes the built environment.
ASHRAE Transactions is cited/indexed in: Cengage Gale’s Academic OneFile, InfoTrac, and Small Business Collection; Engineering Information’s Ei Compendex and Engineering Index; ProQuest Technology Research Database’s CSA Materials Research Database with METADEX, CSA Engineering Research Database, CSA High Technology Research Database with Aerospace, and ProQuest Central; Elsevier’s Scopus’s Scopus and Compendex; and Clarivate Analytics Web of Science’s Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI)
Paper topics include indoor air quality, refrigeration, building controls, sustainability, applications of heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration technology, and more.
Included in this collection are the 91 Conference Papers and 2 Technical Papers presented at the 2023 ASHRAE Winter Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Also included are a State of the Society Address delivered by the current ASHRAE President as well as the technical program from the conference and other official Society information.
Product Details
- Published:
- 2023
- Number of Pages:
- 922
- Units of Measure:
- Dual
- Product Code(s):
- 82231
- Note:
- This product is unavailable in Russia, Belarus