ASHRAE 146-2020

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Standard 146 provides methods of test testing for heating capacity and energy efficiency for rating pool heaters. The standard applies to forced-circulation heaters operated by gas, oil, and/or electricity, as well as hybrid heaters.

New in the 2020 edition:

– Reformatted the standard as a method of test.

– Expanded the scope to include heat-pump pool heaters that use earth, water, or brine as the heat source and hybrid pool heaters equipped with both a fossil-fueled burner and a heat pump.

– Revised the test method to address the products included by the expanded scope.

– Updated definitions and references.

– Modified the specification for use of the optional recirculating loop to make clear it applies only when required by the manufacturer.

– Added test methods to measure the standby and OFF-mode energy consumption.

– Deleted two obsolete informative appendices have been deleted and added a new Informative Appendix B describing test conditions used by the U.S. Department of Energy to rate pool heaters.

Product Details

ANSI Approved
Number of Pages:
Units of Measure:
File Size:
1 file , 680 KB
Redline File Size:
2 files , 5.8 MB
Product Code(s):
D-86431, 86431