3982 — New Scroll Profiles Based on An Algebraic Spiral and Their Application to Small-Capacity Refrigeration Compressors

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The scroll-wrap profile is an important factor for improving performance and reliability of scroll fluid machines. Circular involutes are generally used in current scroll compressors. In this study an algebraic spiral is used as the basic curve for the scroll-wrap profiles. The advantages of using this spiral are 1) the scroll-wrap thickness can be changed according to strength requirements. 2) Scroll-wrap dimensions can be reduced to some extent from those used with an involute curve under the same design conditions. 3) The top clearance volume can be reduced or even eliminated. Describes experimental studies using these new profiles for small-capacity refrigeration compressors.

KEYWORDS: year 1996, scroll compressors, performance, reliability, refrigeration, prototypes, experiment, compressors

Citation: ASHRAE Trans. 1996, Vol.102, Part 2, Paper number 3982, 34-39, 11 figs., 1 tab., 5 refs.

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