UOP 373-83

Composition of C2 Through C5 Hydrocarbon Gas Mixtures by Gas Chromatography
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1983

UOP 800-79

Vanadium, Nickel and Iron in Petroleum Oils by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1979

UOP 905-08

Platinum Agglomeration by X-Ray Diffraction
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 07/14/2008

UOP 46-85

Paraffin Wax Content of Petroleum Oils and Asphalts
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1985

UOP 762-76

Apparent Bulk Density of Solid Phosphoric Acid Catalyst
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1976

UOP 727-72

Total Sulfur in Naphthas and Petroleum Distillates by Oxidative Pyrolysis and Microcoulometric Titration
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1972

UOP 1009-15

Total Mercury in Solids
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 12/23/2015

UOP 555-96

Trace Impurities in High-Purity Benzene and Cyclohexane by GC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1996

UOP 980-07

C5 and Lower Boiling Dienes, Olefins, and Paraffins in Naphthas by GC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 02/23/2007

UOP 963-98

Trace Aromatic Hydrocarbons in 90 to 400 degrees C Boiling Range Petroleum Distillates by HPLC
standard by UOP LLC, A Honeywell Company, 01/01/1998