SMPTE ST 2034-1:2017

Archive eXchange Format (AXF) – Part 1: Structure & Semantics
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 03/01/2017

SMPTE ST 292-1:2012

1.5 Gb/s Signal Data Serial Interface
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/03/2012

SMPTE ST 2067-3:2013

Interoperable Master Format – Composition Playlist
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 07/01/2013

SMPTE 401M-2005

Television – Extended Content Control Information (ExCCI) Data Packet
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2005

SMPTE ST 2094-1:2016

Mapping VC-3 Coding Units into the MXF Generic Container
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 05/18/2016

SMPTE EG 2039-2008

Inspection and Cleaning Processes for the 304M Hybrid Connector
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 10/20/2008

SMPTE RP 192:2015

Jitter Measurement Procedures in Bit-Serial Digital Interfaces
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 09/01/2015

SMPTE 365M-2001

Digital Television Tape Recording – 12.65-mm Type D-10 Format for MPEG-2 Compressed Video – 525/60 and 625/50
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/2001


Television – Material Exchange Format (MXF) – Mapping of Uncompressed Pictures into the Generic Container
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers,

SMPTE RP 50-1995 (Archived 2004)

Dimensions for 8-mm Type S Motion-Picture Projector Reel Spindles
standard by Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 01/01/1995