SAE J2983_201212

Recommended Practice for Determining Material Properties of Li-Battery Separator
standard by SAE International, 12/03/2012

SAE JA1010/1_201105

Maintainability Program Standard Implementation Guide
standard by SAE International, 05/24/2011

SAE J357_200611

Physical and Chemical Properties of Engine Oils
standard by SAE International, 11/06/2006

SAE MA2140

Hose Assemblies, Polytetrafluoroethylene, Aramid Reinforced, 28 000 Kpa, Hydraulic and Pneumatic (Cancelled: Jan 2003)
standard by SAE International, 01/26/2003

SAE J986_201808

Sound Level for Passenger Cars and Light Trucks
standard by SAE International, 08/10/2018

SAE J876_200704

Wide Base Disc Wheels and Demountable Rims
standard by SAE International, 04/30/2007

SAE J826_201511

Devices for Use in Defining and Measuring Vehicle Seating Accommodation
standard by SAE International, 11/10/2015

SAE J2863_201004

Automotive Trailer Tow Connector
standard by SAE International, 04/28/2010

SAE J651_201506

Passenger Car and Light Truck Automatic Transmission and Automatic Transaxle Test Code (Stabilized: Jun 2015)
standard by SAE International, 06/01/2015

SAE J560_200902

Primary and Auxiliary Seven Conductor Electrical Connector for Truck-Trailer Jumper Cable
standard by SAE International, 02/26/2009