SAE J845_201902

Optical Warning Devices for Authorized Emergency, Maintenance, and Service Vehicles
standard by SAE International, 02/04/2019

SAE J833_200305

Human Physical Dimensions
standard by SAE International, 05/29/2003

SAE J738_201401

Cutting Edge – Double Bevel Cross Sections
standard by SAE International, 01/08/2014

SAE J594_201002

Reflex Reflectors
standard by SAE International, 02/18/2010

SAE J513F_197710

Refrigeration Tube Fittings – General Specifications *HS-150/2000*
standard by SAE International, 10/01/1977

SAE J2965_201306

Glossary of Terms in Use in Green Innovation and Sustainable Practices in the Automotive Industry
standard by SAE International, 06/17/2013

SAE J2841_201009

Utility Factor Definitions for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Travel Survey Data
standard by SAE International, 09/21/2010

SAE J323_200911

Test Method for Determining Cold Cracking of Flexible Plastic Materials
standard by SAE International, 11/09/2009

SAE J619_201205

Flywheels for Two-Plate Spring-Loaded Clutches (Stabilized: May 2012)
standard by SAE International, 05/01/2012

SAE J567_201005

Light Source Retention System
standard by SAE International, 05/03/2010