SAE J3050_201412

Biodiesel in Automotive Application; Lessons Learned
standard by SAE International, 12/11/2014

SAE J2918_201202

Engine-Off Cab Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Test Procedure and Performance Requirements – Trucks with and Without Sleepers
standard by SAE International, 02/01/2012

SAE J313_198606

Diesel Fuels
standard by SAE International, 06/01/1986

SAE J662_201105

Brake Block Chamfer (Stabilized: May 2011)
standard by SAE International, 05/01/2011

SAE J358_201712

Nondestructive Tests (Stabilized: Dec 2017)
standard by SAE International, 12/20/2017

SAE J2836/2_201109

Use Cases for Communication between Plug-in Vehicles and Off-Board DC Charger
standard by SAE International, 09/15/2011

SAE J701_201708

Truck Tractor Semitrailer Interchange Coupling Dimensions (Stabilized: Aug 2017)
standard by SAE International, 08/09/2017

SAE J2891_201512

Auxiliary Power Unit Electrical Interface Requirements for Class Eight Trucks
standard by SAE International, 12/18/2015

SAE J393_200107

Nomenclature—Wheels, Hubs, and Rims for Commercial Vehicles
standard by SAE International, 07/16/2001

SAE J537_201105

Storage Batteries
standard by SAE International, 05/23/2011