SAE J1876_201203

Plastic Dust Shield for Hydraulic Disc Brakes (Stabilized: Mar 2012)
standard by SAE International, 03/20/2012

SAE J2431_199710

The Effects of Front-mounted Accessories on Air Bag Sensors and Crashworthiness
standard by SAE International, 10/01/1997

SAE J2311_201503

Automatic Transmission Hydraulic Pump Test Procedure
standard by SAE International, 03/17/2015

SAE J2275_201001

Internal Combustion Engines—Piston Ring-Grooves
standard by SAE International, 01/19/2010

SAE J1833_201207

Hot Impulse Test for Hydraulic Brake Hose Assemblies (Stabilized: Jul 2012)
standard by SAE International, 07/05/2012

SAE J1730_199610

ABS Excitor Ring Location Standardization
standard by SAE International, 10/01/1996

SAE J2288_200806

Life Cycle Testing of Electric Vehicle Battery Modules
standard by SAE International, 06/30/2008

SAE J1966_201108

Lubricating Oils, Aircraft Piston Engine (Non-Dispersant Mineral Oil)
standard by SAE International, 08/22/2011

SAE J2411_200002

Single Wire CAN Network for Vehicle Applications
standard by SAE International, 02/01/2000

SAE J1950_198905

Proving Ground Vehicle Corrosion Testing
standard by SAE International, 05/01/1989