Ceramic Fiber Refractory Material Specification [Technical Revision]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 11/01/2020
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Ceramic Fiber Refractory Material Specification [Technical Revision]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 11/01/2020
Piping Material Specification 1CS1S02, Class 150, Carbon Steel, Socket Weld, 0.063" C.A., Elevated Temperature Fluid Service, Steam/Condensate [Complete Revision]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 08/01/2020
Design and Fabrication of Medium-Voltage Gas-Insulated Switchgear above 1000 V up to 52kV (IEC) [New Practice]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 09/01/2020
Liquid Containment Pits Design Guide [New Practice]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 08/01/2020
Pipeline Systems ASME B31.8 Material Specification 3CS1S02, Class 300, Carbon Steel, 0.0625" (1/16") C.A., Non-Sour, Design Factor = 0.6 [New Practice]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 10/01/2020
Pipeline Systems ASME B31.8 Material Specification 1CS1S01, Class 150, Carbon Steel, 0.0625" (1/16") C.A., Sour*, Design Factor = 0.6 [Technical Correction]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 10/01/2020
Electronic Entry Data Sheet for Fiberglass Tank and Vessel
Data Sheet by Process Industry Practices, 12/01/2019
Electronic Entry Data Sheet for IEC Liquid-Immersed Power Transformers [New Practice]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 09/01/2020
Medium Voltage AC Adjustable Speed Drives [New Practice]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 09/01/2020
Design Criteria and Purchasing Requirements for Vessels ASME Code Section VIII, Divisions 1 and 2 [Technical Correction]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 07/01/2020