NAS 1046

Clip-Wire Rope, Forged Carbon Steel (for Ground Support Equipment)
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 11/30/1994

NAS 1930 Rev.1

Ring, Retaining
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 11/30/2010

NAS 1838

Inserts, Screw Thread – Metallic, Keyring Locked, Specification for
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 09/30/1982

NAS 1712 Rev. 6

Clamp, Loop-Cushioned, Rectangular
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 04/01/2008

NAS 1578 Rev. 14

Bolt, Shear, Flat Pan Head, Close Tolerance, Dovetail Slot, Offset Cruciform, and Offset Cruciform-Ribbed, Self-Locking and Nonlocking, 95 KSI Fsu
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 12/21/2012

NAS 1533

Pin, 100 Csk. Head Hi-Shear Rivet, Close Tolerance
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 03/11/1992

NAS 1446 THRU 1452 Rev. 3

Pin, Swage Locking, Steel, Standard and Oversize, Protruding Head, Shear, Pull-Type
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 01/28/2011

NAS 1423 Rev. 4

Nut, Plain, Hexagon, Drilled Jam, Thin
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 03/29/2013

NAS 1043 Rev. 2

Shackle-Chain, Forged Carbon Steel, Screw Pin (for Ground Support Equipment)
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 05/27/2011

NAS 1672 Rev. 7

Fastener – Blind, Internally Threaded, External Sleeve, High Temperature, Flush Head Self-Locking
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 06/10/2010