NAS 218

Screws – 100 Flat Head, Frearson Recess, Alum. Alloy, Bronze and Alloy Steel, 1/2-20
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 11/01/1947

NAS 2605-2612 Rev. 8

Bolt, Lock, Shear, Protruding Head, Stump-Type, Titanium Alloy
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 02/28/2011

NAS 9800

Head Protrusion Gaging 100 Flush Head Fasteners Gage Block, Gage Diameters and Stylus
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 07/01/1998

NAS 454

Rivet – Blind Csk Head (Self Plugging Type)
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 05/15/1951

NAS 4452

Pin, Crimp – 100 Flush Shear Head
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 06/30/1992

NAS 955 Rev. 4

Interchangeable Perforated Tape Standards Variable Block Format, for Numerically Controlled Equipment
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 04/30/2013

NAS 961 Rev. 4

Manual Gas Tungsten Arc (GTA) Fusion Welding Equipment – Inactive for New Design
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 07/31/2012

NAS 5317 Rev. 1

Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 08/26/2011

NAS 97

Weldkd Assembly – Tube, 3/8 O. D., Steel, Clevis and Threaded Rod Ends
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 10/15/1946

NAS 9311 Rev. 4

Rivet, Blind, 100 Flush Head, Mechanically Locked Spindle, Bulbed Style B, Class 2, Code M & C
Data Sheet by Aerospace Industries Association – National Aerospace Standard, 03/31/2011