IEC 61701 Ed. 3.0 b:2020

Salt mist corrosion testing of photovoltaic (PV) modules
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 06/11/2020

IEC 60335-2-31 Amd.1 Ed. 4.0 b:2006

Amendment 1 – Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-31: Particular requirements for range hoods
Amendment by International Electrotechnical Commission, 03/13/2006

IEC 60092-354 Ed. 3.0 b:2014

Electrical installations in ships – Part 354: Single- and three-core power cables with extruded solid insulation for rated voltages 6 kV (U<sub>m</sub> = 7,2 kV) up to 30 kV (U<sub>m</sub> = 36 kV)
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 08/25/2014

IEC 60269-3 Ed. 4.0 b:2010

Low-voltage fuses – Part 3: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household or similar applications) – Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 05/12/2010

IEC 60252-2 Ed. 2.1 b:2013

AC motor capacitors – Part 2: Motor start capacitors CONSOLIDATED EDITION
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 08/29/2013

IEC 60189-3 Ed. 4.0 en:2007

Low-frequency cables and wires with PVC insulation and PVC sheath – Part 3: Equipment wires with solid or stranded conductor wires, PVC insulated, in singles, pairs and triples
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 05/23/2007

IEC 60317-33 Ed. 2.0 en:2015

Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 33: Glass fibre wound, resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire, temperature index 200
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 10/22/2015

IEC 60317-0-4 Ed. 2.0 b:1997

Specifications for particular types of winding wires – Part 0:General requirements – Section 4: Glass-fibre wound resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 11/18/1997

IEC 60086-4 Ed. 5.0 b:2019

Primary batteries – Part 4: Safety of lithium batteries
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 04/25/2019

IEC 60092-203 Ed. 1.0 b:1985

Electrical installations in ships. Part 203: System design – Acoustic and optical signals
standard by International Electrotechnical Commission, 12/30/1985