HI 2.1-2.2-2014

American National Standard for Rotodynamic Vertical Pumps of Radial, Mixed, and Axial Flow Types for Nomenclature and Definitions
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 04/08/2014

HI 3.6 (M110)

American National Standard for Rotary Pump Tests
standard by Hydraulic Institute,

HI 20.3-2010

Rotodynamic (Centrifugal and Vertical) Pump Efficiency Prediction
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2010

HI 3.6-2010

American National Standard for Rotary Pump Tests
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2010

HI 1.4-2010

Rotodynamic (Centrifugal) Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Operation and Maintenance
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2010

HI 9.6.1-2012

Rotodynamic Pumps Guideline For NPSH Margin
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2012

HI 1.6 (M104)

Centrifugal Pump Tests
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 01/01/2000

HI 9.6.4-2016

Rotodynamic Pumps for Vibration Measurements and Allowable Values
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2016

HI 7.6-2018

American National Standard for Controlled-volume Metering Pumps for Test
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 2018

HI 2.1-2.2 (M105)

American National Standard for Vertical Pumps for Nomenclature and Definitions
standard by Hydraulic Institute, 01/01/2000