Consists of C22.1-12, Canadian electrical code, part I (22nd edition), safety standard for electrical installations; CE code pocket reference book (**Only Included with Purchase of Print Edition**) and the C22.1HB-12, CE code handbook, an explanation of rules of the canadian electrical code, part I
standard by CSA Group, 2011

CSA ANSI Z21.11.3-2016

Gas-Fired Room Heaters – Volume III, propane-fired portable emergency use heater systems
standard by CSA Group, 11/01/2016

CSA Z168.13-97

Gas-Specific Connections: Ancillary Devices for Medical Air
standard by CSA Group, 03/21/2000

CSA C22.2 NO. 60335-2-15A:14 (R2019)

Amendment 1:2017 to CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 60335-2-15:14, Household and similar electrical appliances – Safety – Part 2-15: Particular requirements for appliances for heating liquids (Adopted amendment 1:2016 to IEC 60335-2-15:2012)
Amendment by CSA Group, 09/01/2017

CSA B44-07

Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (Bi-National standard, with ASME A17.1-2007)
standard by CSA Group, 04/06/2007