General Laboratory Equipment Performance Qualification, Use, and Maintenance, 2nd Edition, QMS23Ed2E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 06/19/2019
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General Laboratory Equipment Performance Qualification, Use, and Maintenance, 2nd Edition, QMS23Ed2E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 06/19/2019
Verification and Validation of Multiplex Nucleic Acid Assays, Approved Guideline, MM17AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 04/01/2008
Management of Nonconforming Laboratory Events, QMS11Ed2E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 08/25/2015
Implementation Guide of POCT1 for Healthcare Providers; Proposed Guideline, POCT1-P
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/01/2007
Methods for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Infrequently Isolated or Fastidious Bacteria Isolated From Animals, 1st Edition, VET06Ed1E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/01/2017
Newborn Blood Spot Screening for Pompe Disease by Lysosomal Acid alpha-Glucosidase Activity Assays, 1st Edition, NBS07Ed1E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 03/01/2017
Standard Specification for Use of Bar Codes on Specimen Tubes in the Clinical Laboratory, LIS7AE
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 04/20/2003
Reference Method for Broth Dilution Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Yeasts; Fourth Informational Supplement, M27S4
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 12/01/2012
Development of In Vitro Susceptibility Testing Criteria and Quality Control Parameters; 4th Edition M23Ed4E
standard by Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute, 01/01/2016