CGA P-22

The Responsible Management and Disposition of Compressed Gases and their Cylinders
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 12/01/2014

CGA H-10

Combustion Safety for Steam Reformer Operation
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/01/2018


Oxygen-Deficient Atmospheres
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 08/01/2014

CGA V-7.1

Standard Method for Determining Cylinder Valve Outlet Connections for Medical Gases, Second Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 05/17/2011

CGA P-62

Guideline for Sea Transport of Multiple Element Gas Containers and Portable Tanks for Gases
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 12/13/2018

CGA P-74

Standard for Tube Trailer Supply Systems at Customer Sites
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 03/01/2019

CGA P-16

Recommended Procedures for Nitrogen Purging of Tank Cars
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/01/2014


Sensitization Leading to Embrittlement and Potential Failure Due to Overheating During Manufacture or Repair of DOT-4L and TC-4LM Liquid Cylinders
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 09/01/2016


Guideline for the Classification and Labeling of Hydrogen Storage Systems with Hydrogen Absorbed in Reversible Metal Hydrides
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 01/01/2018

CGA P-2.6

Standard for Transfilling of Liquid Oxygen Used for Respiration
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/26/2018