CGA PS-24 (R2014)

CGA Position Statement on the Use of Tapered and Parallel (Straight) Threads in Aluminum Alloy Cylinders
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 12/20/2006

CGA P-8.8

Safe Design and Operation of Cryogenic Enclosures
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 12/01/2017

CGA M-17

Standard for Automatic Trailer Fill Compliance to 21 CFR Part 11 and PIC/S Annex 11 Requirements
Handbook / Manual / Guide by Compressed Gas Association, 03/01/2016


Increased Pressure Rating of Gas Trailer Outlet Connections
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 01/08/2010

CGA P-31

Liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Argon Cryogenic Tanker Loading System Guide
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 10/01/2012


Nitrous Oxide Decomposition
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 06/07/2006


Compressed Air for Human Respiration, Eighth Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/26/2019

CGA PS-19 (R2018)

CGA Position Statement on the Use of Oxygen and Acetylene Cylinders on a Cylinder Cart
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 11/18/2005

CGA P-23

Standard for Categorizing Gas Mixtures Containing Flammable and Nonflammable Components
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 03/01/2015

CGA P-21 (R2015)

Guidelines for the Development of Pre-trip Inspection Checklist and Reports for MC-338, TC-338,TC-341, and CGA-341 Cargo Tanks
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/30/2009