CGA G-6.10 (R2014)

Flammable Gases and/or Oxygen Contamination in Carbon Dioxide Feed Gas
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 10/23/2006


CGA Position Statement on Markings Required to be Readily Visible on Cylinders and Tubes
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 12/01/2017


CGA Position Statement on Bulk Transport Vessels for the Delivery of Food Gases
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 06/01/2016

CGA G-9.1

Commodity Specification for Helium
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 03/01/2018

CGA TB-21 (R2019)

Prevention of "Odor Fade" in New Carbon Steel Propane Cylinders and Tanks, Third Edition
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 04/01/2014

CGA SB-34 (R2011)

Product Migration in Manifolded Cylinders Due to Temperature Variations
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 07/28/2005

CGA SB-12 (R2014)

Use of Regulator Pressure Gauges, Third Edition
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 10/15/2007

CGA P-12

Safe Handling of Cryogenic Liquids
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 03/01/2017

CGA G-6.6

Standard for Elastomer-Type Carbon Dioxide Bulk Transfer Hose
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/01/2015


Handling Acetylene Cylinders in Fires
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 10/30/2012