CGA P-41

Locating Bulk Storage Systems in Courts, Second Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 06/01/2018

CGA TB-13 (R2005)

Rupture Disk and Fusible Plug Type Pressure Relief Devices Correct Assemblies and Installation
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 09/06/2000


CGA Position Statement on Establishing an Industry Standard Color Code for Compressed Gas Cylinders
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 10/01/2017


Nitrous Oxide Security and Control, Sixth Edition
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 05/01/2014


Standard for Compressed Gas Cylinder Outlet and Inlet Connections (Includes 9/13/2019 Correction)
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/13/2019

CGA PS-28 (R2013)

CGA Position Statement on the Use of Non-ASME Certified Pressure Relief Valves Used for Thermal Expansion Relief in Piping Systems
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 05/24/2006

CGA P-61

Ergonomic Guidelines for the Industrial and Medical Gas Industry
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 02/01/2017

CGA G-6.5

Standard for Small Stationary Insulated Carbon Dioxide Supply Systems, Fourth Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 08/01/2013


Safe Maintenance of Cargo Tanks, Portable Tanks, Tube Trailers, and Multiple Element Gas Containers (MEGC) Containing Class 2 Hazardous Materials
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 10/01/2013

CGA PS-6 (R2017)

CGA Position Statement on Securing Compressed Gas Cylinders at Gas Manufacturers' and Distributors' Facilities and Users' Sites
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 07/01/2011