CGA P-38

Guidelines for Devalving Cylinders
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 08/01/2016

CGA V-11

Guideline for the Installation of Valves into High Pressure Aluminum Alloy Cylinders, Third Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 04/01/2018

CGA P-26 (R2015)

Guidelines for Inspection and Repair of MC-330 and MC-331 Anhydrous Ammonia Cargo Tanks (formerly TB-2) (Reaffirmed 2009)
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/21/1997

CGA P-40

Calculation Method for the Analysis and Prevention of Overpressure During Refilling of Cryogenic Storage Tanks with Rupture Disk(s)
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/01/2017

CGA PS-30 (R2014)

CGA Position Statement on the Use of Railroad Tank Cars for Stationary Liquid Carbon Dioxide Storage
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 11/27/2007

CGA P-8.1

Safe Installation and Operation of PSA and Membrane Oxygen and Nitrogen Generators
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/01/2016

CGA P-18

Standard for Bulk Inert Gas Systems at Consumer Sites
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 08/01/2013


Design Considerations for Nonmetallic Materials in High Pressure Oxygen Supply Systems
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 08/01/1997


Compressed Air for Human Respiration, Seventh Edition
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 04/01/2014

CGA S-1.2

Pressure Relief Device Standards – Part 2 – Cargo and Portable Tanks for Compressed Gases
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 03/18/2009