CGA P-72

Guideline for Removing Hazardous Material Containers During Repair and Maintenance of Cylinder Trucks and Trailers (Formerly SB-21)
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 04/01/2017


CGA Position Statement on Training and Qualifications for Installers of Medical Gas Supply Systems at Consumer Sites
Position Statement by Compressed Gas Association, 11/10/2004

CGA M-16

Guidance for Electronic Records and Signatures in the U.S. and Canadian Food, Drug, and Medical Device Gas and Gas Equipment Industry
Handbook / Manual / Guide by Compressed Gas Association, 03/01/2016

CGA SB-36 (R2013)

Prevention of Cylinder Lading Contamination
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 09/21/2006


Use of Rubber Welding Hose
Bulletin / Circular by Compressed Gas Association, 02/19/2009

CGA P-63

Disposal of Gases
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 02/12/2013


Standard Method of Determining Cylinder Valve Outlet Connections for Industrial Gas Mixtures
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 11/01/2015

CGA P-27

Recommended Hose Management Practice for Uninsulated Stainless Steel Cryogenic Cargo Tank Hose
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 05/22/2008


Standard for Bulk Hydrogen Supply Systems (an American National Standard)
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 08/30/2014

CGA P-73

Hazards Associated with the Decontamination, Disposal, or Requalification of Cylinders in Diborane, Diborane Mixture, and Pentaborane Service (Formerly SB-30)
standard by Compressed Gas Association, 09/01/2017