BS PAS 32-2:1999

Specification for examination and test of new lifts before putting into service. Hydraulic lifts
standard by BSI Group, 06/15/1999

BS DD ENV 1994-1-1:1994

Eurocode 4. Design of composite steel and concrete structures. General rules and rules for buildings (together with United Kingdom National Application Document)
standard by BSI Group, 05/15/1994

BS PD CEN/TR 14383-5:2010

Prevention of crime. Urban planning and building design. Petrol stations
standard by BSI Group, 03/31/2010

BS PD 0016:2001

Document scanning. Guide to scanning business documents
standard by BSI Group, 07/15/2001

BS DD ENV 1006:2003

Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Guidance on the selection of test pieces for the evaluation of properties
standard by BSI Group, 03/28/2003

BS DD ISO/TS 3632-1:2003

Saffron (Crocus sativus L.). Specification
standard by BSI Group, 12/15/2003

BS DD ENV 50204:1996

Radiated electromagnetic field from digital radio telephones. Immunity test
standard by BSI Group, 02/15/1996

BS DD CEN/TS 15558:2007

Fertilizers. Determination of nitric and ammoniacal nitrogen according to Ulsch
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/2007

BS PD CEN ISO/TS 25108:2018

Non-destructive testing. NDT personnel training organizations
standard by BSI Group, 12/11/2018

BS NA TO EN 1995-2:2004

UK National Annex to Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures. Bridges
standard by BSI Group, 10/31/2006