BS DD ENV 623-5:2002

Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. General and textural properties. Determination of phase volume fraction by evaluation of micrographs
standard by BSI Group, 08/05/2002

BS DD CLC/TS 50238-3:2010

Railway applications. Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems. Compatibility with axle counters
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/2011

BS PAS 900:2010

Code of Practice for Wheelchair Passports
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2010

BS PAS 59:2014

Specification for collective fall arrest soft landing systems
standard by BSI Group, 01/31/2015

BS PAS 156:2015

Specification for the maintenance of financial services customer data
standard by BSI Group, 03/31/2015

BS NA TO EN 1993-5:2007

UK National Annex to Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures. Piling
standard by BSI Group, 07/31/2009

BS DISC PD 1002:1997

A guide to cabling in private telecommunications systems
standard by BSI Group, 10/15/1997

BS PD 6688-1-7:2009

Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1991-1-7
standard by BSI Group, 12/31/2008

BS DD ISO/TS 24534-1:2007

Automatic vehicle and equipment identification. Electronic registration identification (ERI) for vehicles. Architecture
standard by BSI Group, 01/31/2008