BS DD ENV 14273:2002

Advanced technical ceramics. Ceramic powders. Determination of crystalline phases in zirconia
standard by BSI Group, 06/13/2002

BS DD ENV 12443:2001

Medical informatics. Healthcare information framework (HIF)
standard by BSI Group, 08/15/2001

BS G260:1996

Environmental Tests for Aircraft Equipment – Steady-State Acceleration
standard by BSI Group, 01/01/1996

BS DD IEC/PAS 61162-100:2002

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Digital interfaces. Single talker and multiple listeners. Extra requirements to IEC 61162-1 for the UAIS
standard by BSI Group, 06/26/2002

BS DD ENV 725-11:1994

Advanced technical ceramics. Methods of test for ceramic powders. Determination of the densification on natural sintering
standard by BSI Group, 04/15/1994

BS DD 265:2008

Protocol for communications between a lift alarm system and an alarm receiving station (rescue centre). Specification
standard by BSI Group, 01/31/2008

BS PD 6532-1:1993

Reference materials. Guide to the contents of certificates of reference materials. Guide to terms and definitions used in connection with reference materials
standard by BSI Group, 07/15/1993

BS PAS 91:2010

Construction related procurement. Prequalification questionnaires
standard by BSI Group, 10/21/2010

BS M 88:1996

Air cargo equipment. Pressure equalization requirements for cargo containers
standard by BSI Group, 09/15/1996

BS DD IEC/PAS 62137-3:2008

Electronics assembly technology. Selection guidance of environmental and endurance test methods for solder joints
standard by BSI Group, 01/31/2009