BS BIP 2067:2005

Business ethics and the 21st century organization
Handbook / Manual / Guide by BSI Group, 11/01/2005

BS A 345:1999

Nuts, hexagonal, self-locking, with counterbore and captive washer, with MJ threads, classifications: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235 degreesC, 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 degreesC, 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425 degreesC. Dimensions
standard by BSI Group, 04/15/1999

BS CECC 45000:1977

Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components: generic specification: space-charge controlled tubes
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/1977

BS C 22:1995

Test methods for aircraft inner tube and tubeless tyre valves. Cores and caps
standard by BSI Group, 04/15/1995

BS CWA 14113-2:2001

Electronic commerce for the sanitaryware and heating systems industry. Digital formats
standard by BSI Group, 02/15/2001

BS AU 200-2A:1984

Spray reducing devices for heavy goods vehicles. Specification for performance of suppression material and devices, and air/water separating material and devices
standard by BSI Group, 08/31/1984

BS 9521:1983

Specification for removable contacts of assessed quality for electrical connectors as defined by BS 9520: generic data, methods of test and rules for the preparation of detail specifications
standard by BSI Group, 05/31/1983

BS CECC 96000:1987

Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Generic specification: electromechanical switches
standard by BSI Group, 03/31/1987

BS BIP 2150:2008

BS 25999-2 Business continuity management. Specification. Laminated Pocketbook
Handbook / Manual / Guide by BSI Group, 01/31/2008

BS BIP 3024:2006

The UK Guide to standardization for overhead electrical lines CD-ROM
Handbook / Manual / Guide by BSI Group, 07/31/2006