BS 9074 N007:1978

Detail specification for fixed polystyrene film dielectric extended foil capacitors. Rectangular non-metallic case, unidirectional terminations. Full plus additional assessment level
standard by BSI Group, 11/15/1978

BS 8468-7:2012

Respiratory protective devices for use against chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) agents. Closed-circuit breathing apparatus. Specification
standard by BSI Group, 04/30/2012

BS CWA 14113-3:2001

Electronic commerce for the sanitaryware and heating systems industry. Rights and rules
standard by BSI Group, 02/15/2001

BS BIP 2223:2011

On-Site Guide (BS 7671:2008 Wiring Regulations)
Handbook / Manual / Guide by BSI Group, 10/24/2011

BS 8475:2006

Instrumental colour measurement of textiles. Method
standard by BSI Group, 02/10/2006

BS BIP 3042:2007

BSI Health & Safety Quick-Check
Handbook / Manual / Guide by BSI Group, 02/22/2007

BS BIP 2044:2004

The design of fire detection installations for dwellings. A guide to BS 5839-6:2004
Handbook / Manual / Guide by BSI Group, 09/01/2004

BS 8221-2:2000

Code of practice for cleaning and surface repair of buildings. Surface repair of natural stones, brick and terracotta
standard by BSI Group, 04/15/2000

BS 812-105.2:1990

Testing aggregates. Methods for determination of particle shape. Elongation index of coarse aggregate
standard by BSI Group, 06/30/1990

BS 7903:1997

Guide to selection and use of gully tops and manhole covers for installation within the highway
standard by BSI Group, 11/15/1997