AWPA P8-05

Standard for Oil-Borne Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2005

AWPA P5-06

Standard for Waterborne Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2006

AWPA T1-18

Use Category System: Processing and Treatment Standard
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2018

AWPA P56-19

Standard for Alkaline Copper Betaine Type B (KDS-B)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2019

AWPA P50-09

Standard for Fire Retardant FR-2 (FR-2)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 04/01/2009

AWPA P38-09

Standard for Alkyl Ammonium Compound, Oilborne (AAC)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 04/01/2009

AWPA P57-10

Standard for Alkaline Copper Betaine (KDS) (NONPRESSURE USE)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2010

AWPA T1-17 / U1-17 SET

Use Category System: Processing and Treatment Standard (T1-17) and Use Category System: User Specification for Treated Wood (U1-17)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2017

AWPA T1-07

Use Category System: Processing and Treatment Standard
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2007

AWPA T1-15 / U1-15 SET

Use Category System Set: Processing and Treatment Standard (T1-15) and User Specification for Treated Wood (U1-15)
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2015