AWPA A28-08

Standard Method for Determination of Propiconazole and Tebuconazole in Waterborn Formulations and in Treating Solutions by HPLC
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2008


Standard for Hydrocarbon Solvent, Type A
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 04/01/2009

AWPA A89-12

Standard Method for Colorimetric Analysis of Copper in Copper Naphthenate Treated Wood or Copper Naphthenate Solutions
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 05/01/2012

AWPA C24-96

Sawn Timber Piles Used for Residential and Commercial Building
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/1996

AWPA E14-14

Standard Method of Evaluating Wood Preservatives in a Soil Bed
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2014

AWPA A15-18

Referee Methods
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2018

AWPA A4-03

Standard Methods for Sampling Wood Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 10/01/2003

AWPA E16-09

Field Test for Evaluation of Wood Preservatives to be Used Out of Ground Contact: Horizontal Lap-Joint Method
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 04/01/2009

AWPA E18-15

Standard Field Test for Evaluation of Wood Preservatives to be Used Above Ground (UC3B); Ground Proximity Decay Test
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2015

AWPA A90-12

Standard Method for the Determination of 3-IODO-2-Propynyl Butyl Carbamate (IPBC) in Treating Solutions
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 05/01/2012