AWPA M22-15

Standard for Third-Party Agency Evaluation of Inspection Data
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2015

AWPA A78-12

Standard Method to Determine the Penetration of Boron Containing Preservatives and Fire Retardants
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 05/01/2012

AWPA A1-11

Standard Methods for Analysis of Creosote and Oil-Type Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2011

AWPA A19-93

Standard Method for Sample Preparation for Determining Penetration of Preservatives in Wood
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/1993

AWPA P18-04

Nonpressure Preservatives
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 10/01/2004

AWPA E14-94

Standard Method of Evaluating Wood Preservatives in a Soil Bed
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/1994

AWPA A40-06

Standard Method for Determination of Boron Trioxide in Treating Solutions and Treated Wood by Potentiometric Titration With Sodium Hydroxide
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2006

AWPA F6-03

Miscellaneous Conversion Factors and Correction Tables
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/2003

AWPA P2-98

Standard for Creosote Solutions
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 01/01/1998

AWPA A92-19

Standard Method for Determining Penetration Using a Fluorescent Dye or Pigment Penetration Surrogate
standard by American Wood Protection Association, 2019