ASTM G114-06

Standard Practices for Evaluating the Age Resistance of Polymeric Materials Used in Oxygen Service
standard by ASTM International, 06/15/2006

ASTM Volume 02.01:2019

ASTM Book of Standards Volume 2.01: Nonferrous Metal Products: Copper and Copper Alloys
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2019

ASTM G97-97(2002)e1

Standard Test Method for Laboratory Evaluation of Magnesium Sacrificial Anode Test Specimens for Underground Applications
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2002

ASTM Volume 04.03:2018

ASTM Book of Standards Volume 4.03: Construction: Road and Paving Materials; Vehicle-Pavement Systems
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2018

ASTM Section 8:2018

ASTM Book of Standards – Section 8: Plastics (Vols. 08.01-08.04)
standard by ASTM International, 07/01/2018

ASTM F964-13

Standard Specification for Rigid Poly (Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Exterior Profiles Used for Fencing and Railing
standard by ASTM International, 07/01/2013

ASTM G47-98(2004)

Standard Test Method for Determining Susceptibility to Stress-Corrosion Cracking of 2XXX and 7XXX Aluminum Alloy Products
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2004

ASTM G164-99e1

Standard Test Method for Determination of Surface Lubrication on Flexible Webs
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/1999

ASTM G122-96(2015)e1

Standard Test Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cleaning Agents
standard by ASTM International, 09/01/2008

ASTM G143-03(2009)

Standard Test Method for Measurement of Web/Roller Friction Characteristics
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2009