ASTM D5957-98(2021)

Standard Guide for Flood Testing Horizontal Waterproofing Installations
standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2021

ASTM D6719-22

Standard Guide for Standard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating Pile Yarn Floor Covering
standard by ASTM International, 02/01/2022

ASTM D6436-14(2022)

Standard Guide for Reporting Properties for Plastics and Thermoplastic Elastomers
standard by ASTM International, 03/15/2022

ASTM E2006-22

Standard Guide for Benchmark Testing of Light Water Reactor Calculations
standard by ASTM International, 02/01/2022

ASTM D3896-07(2021)

Standard Practice for Rubber From Synthetic Sources–Sampling
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2021

ASTM D1153-22

Standard Specification for Methyl Isobutyl Ketone
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2022

ASTM E1945-21

Standard Test Method for Percent Dispersibility
standard by ASTM International, 10/01/2021

ASTM D8424-21

Standard Guide for Retroreflective Composite Optics Laboratory Procedures
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2021

ASTM D4056-21

Standard Test Method for Estimation of Solubility of Water in Hydrocarbon and Aliphatic Ester Lubricants
standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2021

ASTM E2161-22

Standard Terminology Relating to Performance Validation in Thermal Analysis and Rheology
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2022