ASTM D2976-22

Standard Test Method for pH of Peat Materials
standard by ASTM International, 02/01/2022

ASTM C1636-22

Standard Guide for Determination of Uranium-232 in Uranium Hexafluoride
standard by ASTM International, 02/01/2022

ASTM D1257-22

Standard Specification for High-Gravity Glycerin
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2022

ASTM D2915-17(2022)

Standard Practice for Sampling and Data-Analysis for Structural Wood and Wood-Based Products
standard by ASTM International, 02/01/2022

ASTM C661-15(2022)

Standard Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Elastomeric-Type Sealants by Means of a Durometer
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2022

ASTM C1781/C1781M-21

Standard Test Method for Surface Infiltration Rate of Permeable Unit Pavement Systems
standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2021

ASTM C78/C78M-22

Standard Test Method for Flexural Strength of Concrete (Using Simple Beam with Third-Point Loading)
standard by ASTM International, 03/01/2022

ASTM D6383/D6383M-99(2021)

Standard Practice for Time-to-Failure (Creep-Rupture) of Adhesive Joints Fabricated from EPDM Roof Membrane Material
standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2021

ASTM D4383-21

Standard Specification for Plowable, Raised Retroreflective Pavement Markers
standard by ASTM International, 12/15/2021

ASTM C1179-21

Standard Test Method for Oxidation Mass Loss of Manufactured Carbon and Graphite Materials in Air
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2021