ASTM D4815-22

Standard Test Method for Determination of MTBE, ETBE, TAME, DIPE, tertiary-Amyl Alcohol and C1 to C4 Alcohols in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography
standard by ASTM International, 04/01/2022

ASTM D1151-00(2022)

Standard Practice for Effect of Moisture and Temperature on Adhesive Bonds
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2022

ASTM C744-21

Standard Specification for Prefaced Concrete and Calcium Silicate Masonry Units
standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2021

ASTM D353-89

Specification for Natural Rubber Insulation for Wire and Cable, 60
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/1989

ASTM D6621-21

Standard Practice for Performance Testing of Process Analyzers for Aromatic Hydrocarbon Materials
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2021

ASTM D2976-22

Standard Test Method for pH of Peat Materials
standard by ASTM International, 02/01/2022

ASTM C1354/C1354M-22

Standard Test Method for Strength of Individual Stone Anchorages in Dimension Stone
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2022

ASTM B792-16(2021)

Standard Specification for Zinc Alloys in Ingot Form for Slush Casting
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2021

ASTM D3966/D3966M-22

Standard Test Methods for Deep Foundation Elements Under Static Lateral Load
standard by ASTM International, 01/01/2022

ASTM D3695-95(2021)e1

Standard Test Method for Volatile Alcohols in Water by Direct Aqueous-Injection Gas Chromatography
standard by ASTM International, 11/01/2021