ASTM A312/A312M-22

Standard Specification for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM D7498/D7498M-09(2022)

Standard Test Method for Vertical Strip Drains Using a Large-Scale Consolidation Test
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM F1413/F1413M-18(2022)

Standard Guide for Oil Spill Dispersant Application Equipment: Boom and Nozzle Systems
standard by ASTM International, 03/01/2022

ASTM B584-14(2022)

Standard Specification for Copper Alloy Sand Castings for General Applications
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM D6088-06(2022)

Standard Practice for Installation of Geocomposite Pavement Drains
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM E2857-21

Standard Guide for Validating Analytical Methods
standard by ASTM International, 12/01/2021

ASTM D7991-22

Standard Test Method for Determining Aerobic Biodegradation of Plastics Buried in Sandy Marine Sediment under Controlled Laboratory Conditions
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM D6494-22

Standard Test Method for Determination of Asphalt Fume Particulate Matter in Workplace Atmospheres as Benzene Soluble Fraction
standard by ASTM International, 03/01/2022

ASTM D5819-22

Standard Guide for Selecting Test Methods for Experimental Evaluation of Geosynthetic Durability
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM E2783-22

Standard Test Method for Assessment of Antimicrobial Activity for Water Miscible Compounds Using a Time-Kill Procedure
standard by ASTM International, 04/01/2022