ASTM D5168-22

Standard Practice for Fabrication and Closure of Triple-Wall Corrugated Fiberboard Containers
standard by ASTM International, 04/15/2022

ASTM E1740-22

Standard Test Method for Determining the Heat Release Rate and Other Fire-Test-Response Characteristics of Wall Covering or Ceiling Covering Composites Using a Cone Calorimeter
standard by ASTM International, 04/01/2022

ASTM C475/C475M-17(2022)

Standard Specification for Joint Compound and Joint Tape for Finishing Gypsum Board
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2022

ASTM E2127-01a(2022)

Standard Methods of Static Load Test for Combined Tensile and Transverse Load Resistance of Paneled Wall Systems in Building Construction
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM D5487-16(2022)

Standard Test Method for Simulated Drop of Loaded Containers by Shock Machines
standard by ASTM International, 04/15/2022

ASTM F1178-11(2022)

Standard Specification for Performance of Enameling System, Baking, Metal Joiner Work and Furniture
standard by ASTM International, 04/01/2022

ASTM D4216-22

Standard Specification for Rigid Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) and Related PVC and Chlorinated Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (CPVC) Building Products Compounds
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM D6585-17(2022)

Standard Specification for Unsintered Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Extruded Film or Tape
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM D2036-09(2022)

Standard Test Methods for Cyanides in Water
standard by ASTM International, 05/01/2022

ASTM D8073-22

Standard Test Method for Determination of Water Separation Characteristics of Aviation Turbine Fuel by Small Scale Water Separation Instrument
standard by ASTM International, 04/01/2022