ASTM F2956-22

Standard Test Methods for Anchor Systems Used for Detention Hollow Metal Systems
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2022

ASTM F3070-14(2022)

Standard Guide for Evaluating Area Search Dog Crews or Teams
standard by ASTM International, 07/01/2022

ASTM F2517-22e1

Standard Specification for Determination of Child Resistance of Portable Fuel Containers for Consumer Use
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2022

ASTM D7261-22

Standard Test Method for Determining Water Separation Characteristics of Diesel Fuels by Portable Separometer
standard by ASTM International, 07/01/2022

ASTM E1782-22

Standard Test Method for Determining Vapor Pressure by Thermal Analysis
standard by ASTM International, 07/01/2022

ASTM E1332-22

Standard Classification for Rating Outdoor-Indoor Sound Attenuation
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2022

ASTM C635/C635M-22

Standard Specification for Manufacture, Performance, and Testing of Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panel Ceilings
standard by ASTM International, 05/15/2022

ASTM D4378-22

Standard Practice for In-Service Monitoring of Mineral Turbine Oils for Steam, Gas, and Combined Cycle Turbines
standard by ASTM International, 07/01/2022

ASTM E515-11(2022)

Standard Practice for Leaks Using Bubble Emission Techniques
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2022

ASTM D7376-10a(2022)

Standard Practice for Outdoor Evaluation of Wet Stack Storage Conditions on Coil-Coated Metals
standard by ASTM International, 06/01/2022