ASTM C940-22

Standard Test Method for Expansion and Bleeding of Freshly Mixed Grouts for Preplaced-Aggregate Concrete in the Laboratory
standard by ASTM International, 10/01/2022

ASTM D8392-22

Standard Practice for Calibration and Verification of Direct Imaging Analyzers Used for Particle Size and Shape Analysis of Catalytic Materials
standard by ASTM International, 07/31/2022

ASTM C616/C616M-22

Standard Specification for Quartz-Based Dimension Stone
standard by ASTM International, 08/01/2022

ASTM F1686-22

Standard Guide for Surveys to Document and Assess Oiling Conditions
standard by ASTM International, 09/01/2022

ASTM A193/A193M-22

Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting for High Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Special Purpose Applications
standard by ASTM International, 09/01/2022

ASTM E2362-22

Standard Practice for Evaluation of Pre-saturated or Impregnated Towelettes for Hard Surface Disinfection
standard by ASTM International, 10/01/2022

ASTM D198-22a

Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of Lumber in Structural Sizes
standard by ASTM International, 10/01/2022

ASTM D3194-17(2022)

Standard Test Method for Rubber From Natural Sources – Plasticity Retention Index (PRI)
standard by ASTM International, 09/30/2022

ASTM D5156-22

Standard Test Methods for Continuous Measurement of Ozone in Ambient, Workplace, and Indoor Atmospheres (Ultraviolet Absorption)
standard by ASTM International, 09/01/2022

ASTM E2169-22

Standard Practice for Selecting Antimicrobial Pesticides for Use in Water-Miscible Metalworking Fluids
standard by ASTM International, 10/01/2022