ASHRAE 171-2017

Standard 171-2017 — Method of Testing for Rating Seismic and Wind Restraints (ANSI Approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2017

ASHRAE IC 62.1-2010-3

Interpretation IC 62.1-2010-3 of ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2010 — Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2012

ASHRAE 103-2017 Errata (April 25, 2019)

Errata to Standard 103-2017 — Method of Testing for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency of Residential Central Furnaces and Boilers (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2019

ASHRAE 34-2016 Addendum v

Addendum v to Standard Standard 34-2016 — Designation and Classification of Refrigerants (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2019