4152 — A New Experimental Approach for the Evaluation of Domestic Ventilation Systems, Part 1-Description of Experimental Facilities and Their Application to the Quantification of Buoyancy-Driven Airflow in Two-Story Houses

Conference Proceeding by ASHRAE, 1998

ASHRAE 90.1-2010-33

Interpretation IC 90.1-2010-33 of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1-2010 Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-rise Residential Buildings
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2017

ASHRAE 79-2002 (RA 2006)

Standard 79-2002 (RA 2006) — Method of Testing for Rating Fan-Coil Conditioners (ANSI approved)
standard by ASHRAE, 2002

ASHRAE 34-2001 Addendum j

Addendum j to Standard 34-2001 — Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2004

ASHRAE 79-1984 (RA 91)

Standard 79-1984 (RA 91) — Methods of Testing For Rating Room Fan-Coil Air Conditioners
standard by ASHRAE, 1984

ASHRAE 62-2001 Addendum o

Addendum o to Standard 62-2001 — Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2002

ASHRAE 34-2001 Addendum i

Addendum i to Standard 34-2001 — Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants (ANSI Approved)
Amendment by ASHRAE, 2004