ASAE/ASABE ISO 5008:2002 W/Cor.1 (R2015)

Agricultural wheeled tractors and field machinery – Measurement of whole body vibration of the operator
standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 05/01/2006

ASAE/ASABE S600 (R2016)

Manually Handled Collapsible Reusable Plastic Containers for Handling of Fruits and Vegetables
standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 10/01/2011


Grain Bin Access Design Safety
standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 08/01/2018


Precision Agriculture Irrigation Language: Core Concepts, Processes, and Objects.
standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 06/01/2018

ASAE/ASABE S607 (R2019)

Ventilating Manure Storages to Reduce Entry Risk
standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 10/01/2010

ASAE/ASABE S471 (R2018)

Procedure for Measuring Sprayer Nozzle Wear Rate
standard by The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, 03/01/1991