AS ISO/IEC 14443.3:2022

Cards and security devices for personal identification – Contactless proximity objects, Part 3: Initialization and anticollision
standard by Standards Australia, 06/24/2022

AS 7520.1:2012

Australian Railway Rolling Stock – Body Structural Requirements, Part 1: Locomotive
standard by Standards Australia, 09/07/2012

AS 1012.4-1983

Methods of testing concrete, Part 4: Methods for the determination of air content of freshly mixed concrete
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1983

AS 2700S-2011 (X22)

Colour Standards for general purposes, Part X22: Saffron
standard by Standards Australia, 05/11/2011

AS ISO 14692.1:2022

Petroleum and natural gas industries – Glass-reinforced plastics (GRP) piping, Part 1: Vocabulary, symbols, applications and materials
standard by Standards Australia, 05/13/2022

AS 2700S-2011 (R33)

Colour Standards for general purposes, Part R33: Ghost Gum
standard by Standards Australia, 05/11/2011

AS 2700S-2011 (X34)

Colour Standards for general purposes, Part X34: Driftwood
standard by Standards Australia, 05/11/2011

AS 2126-1978 (FORM)

Form of tender for schedule of rates contracts under AS 2126, General conditions of tendering
standard by Standards Australia, 03/01/1978

AS 3778.6.2:2022

Measurement of water flow in open channels, Part 6.2: Measuring devices, instruments and equipment – Direct depth sounding and suspension equipment (ISO 3454:2008, IDT)
standard by Standards Australia, 06/10/2022

AS 2700S-2011 (Y15)

Colour Standards for general purposes, Part Y15: Sunflower
standard by Standards Australia, 05/11/2011