AS 1095.2.7-1971

Methods of microbiological examination of dairy products and for dairy purposes, Part 2.7: UHT milk and cream
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1971

AS 4133.4.3.2:2022

Methods of testing rocks for engineering purposes, Method 4.3.2: Rock strength tests – Determination of the deformability of rock materials and uniaxial compressive strength – Rock strength less than 50 MPa
standard by Standards Australia, 12/09/2022

AS 1095.4.1.9-1981

Microbiological methods for the dairy industry, Part 4.1.9: Methods for the examination of water and air – Microbiological examination of water – Salmonellae
standard by Standards Australia, 08/01/1981

AS 1099.2UD-1976

Basic environmental testing procedures for electrotechnology, Part 2UD: Tests – Test Ud – Robustness of terminations – Torque
standard by Standards Australia, 08/01/1976

AS 1537.1-1973

Performance testing of air cleaners for internal combustion engines other than aircraft, Part 1: Test procedures
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1973

AS 1099.2QD-1980

Basic environmental testing procedures for electrotechnology, Part 2QD: Tests – Test Qd – Sealing – Container sealing, seepage of filling liquid
standard by Standards Australia, 06/01/1980

AS 1095.3.5-1976

Microbiological methods for the dairy industry, Part 3.5: Methods of examination for specific groups of microorganisms – Psychrotrophic organisms
standard by Standards Australia, 09/01/1976

AS 1095.4.1.3-1981

Microbiological methods for the dairy industry, Part 4.1.3: Methods for the examination of water and air – Microbiological examination of water – Coliforms by multiple tube dilution
standard by Standards Australia, 08/01/1981

AS 2703:2022

Vehicle detector systems
standard by Standards Australia, 12/16/2022

AS 3786:2023

Smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization (ISO 12239:2021, MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 02/17/2023