AS 4945-2000

Commercial road vehicles – Interchangeable quick connect/release couplings for use with air-pressure braking systems
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2000

AS 4646-2004

Gas appliance standards – Definitions and calculations
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004

AS A146-1965

Cast iron pipe fittings for water, gas and sewage
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1965

AS ISO 15489.2-2002

Records management – Guidelines
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2002

AS A145-1970

Centrifugally cast iron pressure pipes for water, gas and sewage
standard by Standards Australia, 05/29/1970

AS 5100.5-2004 AMDT 1

Bridge design – Concrete
Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/2004

AS 5013.11.4:2018

Food microbiology, Method 11.4: Microbiology of the food chain – Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination – Specific rules for the preparation of miscellaneous products (ISO 6887-4:2017, MOD)
standard by Standards Australia, 11/14/2018

AS 4738.1-2007

Metal castings – Ferrous sand moulded
standard by Standards Australia, 09/12/2007

AS ISO 10993.4-2002

Biological evaluation of medical devices – Selection of tests for interactions with blood
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2002

AS 60470-2001

High-voltage alternating current contactors and contactor-based motor-starters
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/2001