AS 3304-1995 AMDT 1

Approval and test specification – Particular requirements for skin or hair care appliances
Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/1995

AS 3871.11-1994

Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems – Address code for compact cassettes
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1994

AS 3550.7-1993

Waters – The construction and use of the Secchi disc
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1993

AS 3891.1-1991

Air navigation – Cables and their supporting structures – Mapping and marking – Permanent marking of overhead cables and their supporting structures
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1991

AS 3728-1989

Vibration and shock – Resilient shaft couplings – Information to be supplied by users and manufacturers
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1989

AS 3996-2006

Access covers and grates
standard by Standards Australia, 03/02/2006

AS 3515.1-1996

Gold and gold bearing alloys – Determination of gold content (less than 30%) – Gravimetric method
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1996

AS 3905.11-1998

Quality system guidelines – Guide to AS/NZS ISO 9002:1994 for the motor vehicle maintenance and repair industry
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1998

AS 3700-1988

Masonry in buildings (known as the SAA Masonry Code)
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1988

AS 4004-1992

Lighting booths for visual assessment of colour and colour matching
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1992