AS 3730.3-1992 AMDT 1

Guide to the properties of paints for buildings – Latex – Interior – Low-gloss
Amendment by Standards Australia, 03/19/1998

AS 3896:2017

Waters – Examination for Legionella spp. Including Legionella pneumophila
standard by Standards Australia, 05/10/2017

AS 3740-2010 AMDT 1

Waterproofing of domestic wet areas
Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/2010

AS 3789.9-1998

Textiles for health care facilities and institutions – Curtains and patient bed screens – Fabric performance properties
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1998

AS 3590.1-1990

Screen-based workstations – Visual display units
standard by Standards Australia, 04/02/1990

AS 3200-1986

Approval and test specification – Electromedical equipment – General requirements
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1986

AS 2986-1987

Workplace atmospheres – Organic vapours – Sampling by solid adsorption techniques
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1987

AS 3700-1988 AMDT 4

Masonry in buildings (known as the SAA Masonry Code)
Amendment by Standards Australia, 01/01/1988

AS 3580.10.1-1991 AMDT 2

Methods for sampling and analysis of ambient air – Part 10.1: Determination of particulates – Deposited matter – Gravimetric method
Amendment by Standards Australia, 04/23/1998

AS 3550.2-1990

Waters – Determination of carbon dioxide – Alkalimetric titration method
standard by Standards Australia, 01/19/1990