AS 3778.6.8-1992

Measurement of water flow in open channels, Method 6.8: Measuring devices, instruments and equipment – Position fixing equipment for hydrometric boats
standard by Standards Australia, 04/16/1992

AS 3775.1:2014 Amd 2:2015

Chain slings for lifting purposes – Grade T(80) and V(100) Product Specification
Amendment by Standards Australia, 11/03/2015

AS 3558.1-1999

Methods of testing plastics and composite materials sanitary plumbing and fixtures – Determination of water absorption characteristics
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1999

AS 3572.6-1989

Plastics – Glass filament reinforced plastics (GRP) – Methods of test – Determination of hoop tensile modulus of elasticity of wound glass filament reinforced plastics pipes
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1989

AS 3645:2017

Essential requirements for gas equipment
standard by Standards Australia, 09/19/2017

AS 3200.2.20-1992 AMDT 1

Medical electrical equipment – Particular requirements for safety-Baby incubators (transport)
Amendment by Standards Australia, 10/30/1997

AS 3969-1991

Information technology – Telecommunications and information exchange between systems – OSI Routing Framework
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1991

AS 3706.2-2012

Geotextiles – Methods of test, Method 2: Determination of tensile properties – Wide strip and grab method
standard by Standards Australia, 04/30/2012

AS 3502-1987

Urine – Determination of total arsenic – Furnace atomic absorption spectrometric method
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1987

AS 3660.1-1995

Protection of buildings from subterranean termites – New buildings
standard by Standards Australia, 01/01/1995